
Any-Maze is ideal for automating our line of mazes, behavior & pain analgesia Instruments

Any-Maze Behavioral Tracking Software

Orofacial Pain Assessment Device (OPAD)

Any-Maze Fear Conditioning

Elevated Plus Maze

Plantar Test

Biopac Systems

BIOPAC- Inspiring People and Enabling discovery About life

Research Equipment

Education/ Teaching Equipment

Data Acquisition & Analysis

Acqknowledge Software

Virtual Reality/Immersive

Eye Tracking


Stoelting Stereotaxic

STOLETING is your source for Stereotaxic, Neuroscience and Behavior Research Instruments.

Ultra Precise Stereotaxic Instruments

New Standard Stereotaxic Instrument

Microwave Brain Fixation

Animal Identification Rodent Ear Tags


High definition oscillometry“ for use in animals

Enhanced non-invasive diagnostics: - More valuable diagnostic data in addition to blood pressure values - all in one device

Technical benefits: - Connects to a computer system for visualisation using the MD Software

Areas of use for HDO BPM measurement: - HDO units for everyday medical use